Zeno Radio

January 2023 Full Moon Reading

This month's Full Moon will be the first for 2023 which calls for you to set your goals and intentions for the year so that you have a path for you to follow. This month's full moon is a micro moon meaning that it will be further from Earth. According to our Native American ancestors this month's Full Moon is known as the Wolf Moon because it was during this time of the year that you could clearly hear the howl of the wolf pack. This year is a seven year which will provide many opportunities of personal growth and development because seven is a prime number that is used to represent the ancient god names for the days of the week, it represents liberal arts as well as the stages of the female life, seven represents creation and the wandering planetary bodies.

The past moon energy begins on January 2nd, and it is represented by the earth element Ambition, it is during this time that our projects are on the way toward success and there will be no stopping it, we have everything in place and are ready for the final presentation. Know that it is important to be confident in our capabilities as we have proven to oneself that we can do what we set our minds to do. By recognizing that we are of creation and possess the infinite possibilities to create, we will exceed our own expectations and surprise others along the way. 

The Full Moon energy begins on January 6th at 5:07pm CST it is represented by the water element Fulfilment this is when we will know that we have reached a positive outcome on what we have been hoping. What we will experience will be the equivalent of bringing a healthy child into the world, if you are not pregnant this is more in alignment with the projects that you have been working on. Emotions that will accompany this achievement include pride, a relief from tension and a protectiveness to all that is important to us. This full moon energy will set the tone for what we will experience during this seven year know that this is a period of the successful outcome that we have been waiting for.

The future moon energy will begin on January the 11th and is represented by the earth element Responsibility, it is during this time that we will begin to gather our harvest and invest it wisely, by diversifying our benefits this will assure our financial security. This time is about the establishing of new possibilities for our futures, many of us stepped up to the challenges that were set before us by going against the grain to do something that we have never done before, know that none of this was in vain, it was designed to serve a purpose for what is ahead of us in the future that we are creating. Responsibility comes to us in different ways at different defining moments in our lives, it is when we step up to it that we will be rewarded for doing so.

For additional guidance on knowing that your journey was not in vain check out our Destination Addiction podcast episode here

For positive encouragement be sure to also check out our blog posts located on our site

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