SoulFULL Content
The 2Suitcasez blog is a SoulFULL space that would not be complete without sharing some of our resources. SoulFULL content will be the books, articles, podcasts, live streams and more that we have consumed to nourish our souls. Many of us have traveled online avenues to support our perspective or to provide a difference in opinion that we have not considered. We will share our understandings and opinions about content created by others in an effort to enrich the lives of ourselves and others. It is important to note that not everyone will agree with our assessment of the content created by others and that is okay. We are here to learn from one another, to build up one another and NOT to tear one another down.
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success By: Deepak Chopra
Enlightens you on how nature plays a major role in your ability to materialize your reality, often times when we think of nature, we don't consider how our senses guide us towards what we desire in that moment. We frequently believe that to achieve what we desire must require the negative expense of others, meaning that someone has to loose so that someone else can gain. However, by taking a more holistic approach to your life and achieving your goals you can unlock those hidden talents you possess that are waiting for you to utilize them.
The Gift of Presence A Mindfulness Guide for Women By: Carolinne Welch
As a woman in today's society, we are required to wear many hats but in the midst of us conquering the world we can miss out on the importance of being present. Being present is a gift that allows you to acknowledge where you are currently, appreciate having that moment in time and have an openness to moments that you will experience in the future. By practicing being present daily you will find the clarity that you need to continue on your life's journey and uncover what is right in front of you so that you can navigate through your life with ease.
The Gifts of Imperfection By: Brene` Brown
We all have heard the saying "Just Be You" however being yourself in our world can be challenging when we are fed messages daily about how we are not good enough or that they will find someone better. And to that your response should be good luck! Perfection is a myth; it is an unrealistic state of being that we all have fallen victim of seeking. But there is a way out, it's called self-acceptance. Your ability to accept yourself for who you are and where you are will enable you to focus on being the best version of yourself and love yourself more when you are not at your best. Being human is not about being perfect, it is about doing your personal best.
From Panic to Power By: Lucinda Bassett
If you live long enough, you will one day be faced with the dreaded anxiety/panic attack. Historically experiencing anxiety or panic left people feeling alone and ostracized from society by being labeled mentally uncapable. However, that is not true, our world has been wired and connected for so long that we all often experience being overstimulated and exhausted. Even our personal fears can cause anxiety/panic, the pursuit of success can also cause anxiety/panic symptoms and even your own diet can manifest anxiety/panic. By acknowledging that you are in fact experiencing anxiety/panic you are then in the driver's seat to do something about it, your life belongs to you, it is up to you to take your power back.
Failing Forward Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones for Success
By: John C. Maxwell
Failure is something that we cannot escape, life is about learning and you can't get everything right the first time that you try; life is a process, failures and mistakes are a part of that process. We all have made a mistake(s) which resulted in us being treated like what we did was the end of the world by people. Unfortunately, and Fortunately mistakes are a part of the human experience, we can't escape them BUT we can do something about them when they happen. A mistake is an opportunity for you to move in a different direction to do something that you have been waiting to do or something that you were too afraid to try. Your mistake was not a breakdown but in fact a breakthrough, it served as a bridge to you getting to where it is that you truly desire for your life. The choice is ultimately up to you what you do when a mistake occurs, you taking power over the situation is a giant step towards success.
Emotional Blackmail By: Susan Forward
Sadly, emotional blackmail is still a lingering phenomenon that some people have not let go of as it is their only method that they can use to get ahead in life. Emotional blackmail is the use of fear, guilt, obligation and manipulation to force someone to do what it is that they desire. It is an archaic tactic that has worn out its welcome in our world. Your ability to recognize when you are being manipulated gives you the choice to determine how you will respond when it occurs. You rising above this low vibrational way of thinking frees you from oppressive mindsets of others so that you will do what is ultimately best for you.
The Fabric of The Cosmos By: Brian Greene
Our world is connected, and we see this daily using your smartphone, as there was a moment in time in which we did not have access to them. On a macroscopic/large level we can also see these connections in our interactions that we have with others we can also see these connections on our personal journey during moments of reflection. Microscopically our world is held together by fibers that many cannot see, however those fibers are necessary to keep our world going. We are all connected to one another whether we like it or not, the farmer needs land to grow the food to sell it to larger store chains for it to be available for us to eat. Schools need children, teens and adults to learn so that they can work for businesses/corporations etc.; moreover, businesses then need educated employees to produce goods/output for consumers to purchase so the cycle never ends. By you recognizing that we are all connected you will be enlightened to the fact that we are all in this together.
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HOW TO Create a REALISTIC Wellness Lifestyle and Holistic Practices
How Important is Hobbies and Mindfulness in 2022? |
HONEST Mindfulness Strategies & How-to's
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