Accessing Fulfilment

Hey Y'all Ms. T here and in today's blog post I will discuss accessing fulfillment. How often have you watched a movie or television program and envied the "happiness" that was being displayed on the screen? Or had a friend who always appeared to be happy with their life despite their challenging circumstances? Often time we desire to be happy and don't necessarily know how to go about attaining that happiness. Believe it or not what you were admiring was a persons fulfilment, the meaning of the word fulfilment is the experience of happiness/satisfaction of a matter. Fulfilment is a gift that is available for everyone and is an aspect of your legitimate freedom, however it does come at a cost. Fulfilment requires that you accept where you are currently on your life's journey, be content with the current state of being while being intentional when working towards your future state of being. This is the challenge because acceptance is a tough pill to swallow and contentment is an even harder one, however if you can do both while maintaining your integrity, your efforts of working towards your future will produce healthier and more fruitful outcomes. Frequently we miss out on getting to where it is that we truly desire because when we are challenged we react in ways that are uncharacteristic to us. Acceptance will enable you to access the inner strength that you will need to overcome any challenges that you may face with dignity, which will result in your beginning of accessing your fulfilment.
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