Zeno Radio

Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Reflections from My Altar

Greetings Soul Family and Moonday Blessings from Ms. AKA/Renae, 

As we have just experienced our Full Blood/Flower Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, there was a download that came through from my Ancestors and Spirit in regards to us resting in the acceptance of ourselves and where we presently are in time and space. There is this collective energy regarding the awareness of the shifts that are taking place and the analysis of what will birth in result of this Nu Paradigm. Eclipse and Full Moons have one major thing in common and that is their ability to invoke an energy of: change, release, purging, acceptance, and my personal favorite death and rebirth— which is especially withheld in the Scorpio Zodiac. This Lunar Eclipse was asking us to take a deep look into what areas of our life are being illuminated so that we can cleanse, heal, and release our attachments to them— especially if these matters were more of a hindrance rather than a helping hand. I am inviting you today in this moment, in this very breath to realistically sit with yourself and contemplate on:

  1. What areas in my life are the product of the current themes that are presently revealing themselves? 
  2. In what ways can I create a foundation that is in alignment with the vision the Divine has for me?
  3. How can I ease into the energetic flow of changes that are working in my favor? 

In my own Spiritual Practices and Consulting my Altar I was met with the three cards that really suck out to me: Justice, 8 of Cups, and the Hangman all in the same reading. As far as my own personal development and transformation goes, the direct download was “why are you walking away?” To most this may have appeared to be an invitation to walk away from something this is no longer serving them but, in my presence and awareness they were requiring me to sit with my “why” and questioning my understanding of the consequences that’ll follow if I don’t “finish what I’ve started.” 

With this Lunar Eclipse Energy in mind, the transformation that is taking place in my awareness is the shifting of my perception. Releasing and purging doesn’t have to be in the material possessions or folks we’ve welcomed into our lives. The 8 of Cups in this regard withheld this energy of desiring to walk away from current endeavors that are on the brink of completion, and equally walking away before seeing the fruits of its labor or questioning its ability to bear fruit at all. This is where Spirit wants me to ease into the truth of the matter (Justice)— what is it about this creative project, love partnership or business endeavor that brings up irrational fears from the past? Spirit is equally encouraging me to sit with these fears regardless of where they originated and disregard the noise of it’s ability to talk me out of a good thing that’s working in my favor (Hanged Man). 

It is here in the waiting that nu insight, assistance, curiosity, and a harmonious relationship with the current of change is maintained and is viewed as a pleasant surprise as it reflects a renewal of our Mind, Body, and Soul. 

This brings me to the last thing I want to say about this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio:

“Your best is changing all the time— Always Do Your Best.” 

This serves as a reminder that your best will change based on the factors that are influencing them. For example, when you take a leap of faith on a nu business idea— your best has now evolved into being more self-trusting, whereas when you decide to stay up all night— your best may vary if you’ve only had four hours of rest opposed to your typical seven hours of solitude, moreover if you and your partner had a disagreement about something that is near and dear to your heart. 

It is in these changes that our thoughts, feeling, and emotions may shift (as they should) but, your ability to be whole has remained the same. Regardless of what events life present itself, stay rooted in your ability to remain committed to who you are, were you come from, your energetic essence, the truth(s) you possess, and the awareness of your Mind, Body, and Soul. 

Matters are shifting, and so are YOU— let it be. 


Ms. AKA/Renae from @sacredcarnelian 


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