The Importance of Knowing Who You Are
Hey yall, Ms.T here and today I want to discuss the importance of Knowing who you are. We frequently hear the terms self-help, self-mastery and other positive words that encourage you to find yourself; for some of us we may desire this but may not be sure of where to start or why it is important. Knowing yourself is you identifying who you are, the life that you desire and the principles that you believe in. In my personal experience of self-discovery it is a journey that must be walked/lived out daily in pursuit of you finding and Knowing yourself. Knowing yourself is a powerful unshakable force that will prevent the projections of others penetrating who you are at your core. The force of Knowing will compel you to accept others for who they are and wanting the very best for them while limiting your judgements. So if you haven't already considered sitting with yourself to identify who you are, it is my hope that you find yourself today. ~Ms.T
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