Zeno Radio

How to Reduce Workplace Anxiety with Practical Wellness Practices


Written by Ms. AKA / Renae from @sacredcarnelian

Welcome in Soul Family and Moonday Blessings, 

As someone who also works your typical 9-5, and struggle with my own mental health— working for someone in an environment that isn’t entirely “ideal” has a way of ramping up some anxiety and discomfort. For several years now I’ve tried working in different fields and exploring the various roles I could apply for based on my experience to try and find something less stress inducing. Each position had its high and lows but, ultimately anxiety and stress found its way back to me in one way or another. As I’ve grown in my awareness, maturity, and spirituality I’ve come to realize that my spiritual practices are not to be kept in my home and at my alter. What do I mean by this? By all means I am not implying that I’d leave my spiritual teachings and mannerisms at home entirely but, I didn’t exactly consider practicing meditation or bringing oracle cards to work. Which leaves me to todays focal point— I’m going to share with you 4 Practical Wellness Practices for a high-stress or mildly stressful work environments be it in a work-from-home or office setting! 

Essential Oils

Not only do essential oils smell Divine, each oil has their own majickal properties and elements to help assist in protection and decreased stress or anxiety. I’ve mixed a few oils together to make my own blends or in times when I am in a pinch I’ll always make sure to have one roll-on Tea Tree oil on standby. Tea Tree oil is my go to for anything as it is perfect for healing and protection. What is just as important in my opinion is the placement of these oils on your body. When in doubt always protect your neck, behind the ears, throat, third eye, hands, and chest! Always make sure to set your intention before blessing yourself and apply multiple times throughout the day if need be. I apply my oils in the rising before leaving my home and at least twice at work. There are  several essential oils with specific properties to meet your needs if tea tree oils doesn’t work best for you. It is also said that evil spirits despise Tea Tree oil and that is enough for me! 


This one may seem peculiar however, reading has truly helped reduce my anxiety more than I could imagine. In my opinion I believe this is useful as it helps keep your mind focused on something else while also tending to required task at work. Think of it in this way— when your mind is racing from objective to objective with nothing to soothe the mind in-between the mind race never stops, which can internally cause the body dis-ease. Reading allows the mind to take a moment to partake in pleasure while also juggling screen-time, noise, task, and alertness. If nothing else, reading has served as an opportunity for me to not *feel* as though I am a machine that must be on call and on go for eight hours straight. I’ve also used reading as a form of self-care when I am on breaks or on lunch to return back to myself without needing to engage more than I already have to. 

Spending Time Outdoors

Any and every opportunity that I am given to step away from my desk I take it. Trust me when I tell you I am overjoyed when a meeting is cancelled, or when the busy work week strikes Wednesday and colleagues are off, or better yet when our systems are down for an update. Each one of the incidents named opens up more time for me to return back to nature. On a daily basis I intentionally use my breaks, lunch or whenever I need to step-away from task as an opportunity to return back to myself.  This practice can be as simple or intricate as you need it to be. I often enjoy being in the sun, taking off my shoes, walking in the grass or hugging a tree. I would also suggest (if possible) try to spend this time alone and uninterrupted— listen to birdsong, feel the warmth of the sun, enjoy the breeze, or watch the clouds dance. 


I’ve used several crystals to help aid in soothing my anxiety both at home and in the workplace and nothing soothes it best as much as Malachite does. While Malachite is directly connected to the Heart Chakra, this is a crystal that is used to heal wounds in the heart-space and ease the discomfort around allowing oneself to feel. My first time using Malachite was back in 2020 and this is my second favorite crystal as Carnelian is number one (hence my name “@sacredcarnelian”). I intentionally use Malachite in the act of feeling overwhelmed, or when my chest begins to tighten and my breathing becomes uncomfortable or when my  throat starts to close up from a trigger. I tend to rub Malachite between my thumb and index fingers and it works every time. In almost no time I am able to either feel a significant decrease or in most cases the anxiety completely disappears. Malachite is with me no matter where I go and I will often keep it in my bra, pocket or belly button. 

I had a blast sharing these practical and useful wellness practices with you today and I hope they serve you well on your journey. If you have any tips you’d love to share with me, please do leave a comment below or reach out to me on my Instagram: @sacredcarnelian

Until next Moonday lovelies, take care! 

And so it is! 


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