Zeno Radio

November 2022 New Moon Reading


This month's New Moon follows the full blood moon that we experienced two weeks ago, it was also during this time that a total lunar eclipse occurred. It was during this time that we had to balance our emotions and prepare for the next season change that will occur in 4 weeks. What is now ahead of us is a preparation and rest phase in which we must assess how far we have come this year, make realistic plans for the future and celebrate accomplishments.

The past moon energy began on 11/20/22 and it is represented by the air element #7 Concession it is during this time that we focus our mental energy on producing and creating what it is that we desire for the future. When we are focused on our future it requires that you spend time alone to both concentrate and contemplate so that we can identify what it is that we truly desire, research what is necessary to achieve that goal, construct an action plan and implement the steps towards getting there. This is a time in which we must go within to unlock what is inside that so that those things are manifested in reality.
The New Moon occurs on 11/23/22 and it is represented by the fire element #8 Recharge, now that we have spent the needed time alone to decide how to proceed with life it is now time for us to rest and recoup our powers so that we are ready when it is time to begin action steps. Getting the rest that we need will assist us in being fully charged for the times that are ahead of us. When resting this allows your body to rid itself of old energy, outdated mindsets and patterns that have run its course. This much needed rest will serve as part of being prepare for the new life that we will begin to experience.

The future moon will occur on 11/27/22 and it is represented by the earth element #1 Investment, this will be a time where patience will be a key factor in moving forward with the ideas and plans. It is during this time that we must put in the work that is required to make our desires a reality. The approach to experiencing our new life should be slow and steady so that our plans are executed effectively, the investment made during this time will be of time, energy and resources.

For additional guidance be sure to check out this month's full moon reading here and be on the lookout for the release next month!

We also have our recent podcast episode that can be helpful on accepting your reality here.

Our podcast can be found on your favorite streaming platforms, click here to check out our contact us page for more details.


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