December 2022 New Moon
This month's new moon will be our last new moon for 2022 for many of us this year has been a year of challenges and triumphs. We have worked hard to accomplish our goals with some of us exceeding our own expectations, often times you don't know what you are capable of until you are challenged to prove it to yourself. Now is the time to celebrate your achievements, reflect and rest up for 2023! This is especially important as it is in alignment with today's winter solstice being the shortest day of the year with respect to sunlight.
The past moon energy is represented by the element water where disillusion enabled us to experience the ending of an emotional situation that many have affected our creativity. However, the more that we were able to accept where we are and remember where we are headed, we understood that experiencing emotions is in fact a part of the process. Once the feelings passed, we were then able to continue with finishing what we have started so that we can end this year on a positive note.
This month's New Moon will begin on Friday December 23rd where economy will be a driving force to not spend your finances irresponsibly as the fiscal year comes to an end. Instead, now is the time to put those finishing touches on the project(s) that you have been working on. It is important to finish what you have started so that your new beginning can be embraced in its entirety.
The future moon energy will begin on December 26th and is represented by the element air where our idea(s) have a lot of potential, this will be a time where we will view our project(s) from a different perspective. Now we will test our ideas by placing them in different situations so that they will reach their maximum zenith. This will require us to give this idea all that we have so that what we desire will be manifested in reality.
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