Zeno Radio

January 2023 New Moon Reading


This month's New Moon will be the first of 2023 and since the Full Moon we have been setting our goals and intentions for the year. Now we have more direction of how we will navigate through those things that we will be working on throughout the year. By us being committed to remaining focused on those things that we are manifesting this year we will be provided with what we need to do so. Rituals to practice for this new moon include lighting your candles, spiritual baths and meditating on those things that you would like to experience in reality.

The past moon energy will begin on January 18th in the fire element Compromise, which is the seed state. It is during this time that we must focus on storing up for the future so that things we align for us effortlessly. We will ensure that we have a long-term action plan in place that we will be able to follow when the opportunity presents itself to us.

The New Moon will occur on January 21st at 2:53 CST in the air element Revision, it is during this time that we might need to revise aspects of our long-term plan so that we will access what we are working towards. It is important that if any feelings of impulsivity pop up that you deal with those emotions immediately. Often times when we are working towards our goals, we will experience being in the middle of the ocean with two choices, to either go back or to move forward. However, with it being so early in the year it is more important to relax and know that everything will work out for us.

The future moon energy will begin on January 25th in the water element Instinct, where we will begin to observe small growth in what we have been working on since we have set out goals for the year. Some of us may still be dealing with feelings post the new moon but know that these emotions will grow into something even greater. It is important to use discernment during this time as fantasy and reality may be difficult to separate, however by relying on our intuition we will be able to see through illusions so that the truth will be revealed.

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