Zeno Radio

February 2023 New Moon

This month's New Moon has the ability to complete aspects of what we have been working on to make way for a new version of ourselves and our approach to life. So far this year we have focused on setting our goals, planning, implementing them and making time for ourselves to enjoy our success thus far. Now that our reputation has been established it is important that we continue on our path to see things through to the end. We are headed in the direction of a positive and fruitful life that must be achieved.

The past moon energy will begin on the 02/17/23 in the earth energy negotiation, it is during this time that others will evaluate the progress of our projects. Now we must be prepared to negotiate for the best outcome possible with regards to our lives and what we have to offer to the situation. Although our projects are currently under the observing lens of others, it doesn't take away our time, energy and creativity that was invested in bringing our ideas to life. We must understand that everyone is entitled to their opinions and that the right people will find value in our work and perspectives. 
The New Moon will begin on February 20, 2023 at 1:05am CST in the water element isolation where we will be self-aware of our own needs apart from the needs of others. Placing all of your energy on yourself for a while is not selfish, it will be necessary for our survival as it is awfully difficult to pour from an empty cup. Although during this time you many fantasize about living another life, we must be sure to check our emotions so that we are not allowing the energy of others to affect how we feel about ourselves. Social-emotional intelligence is the ability to observe the emotions of others in situations and protect ourselves in the process.
The future moon energy will begin on 02/23/23 in the fire energy impulse, this is a time of action but it must be done so by leading with your mind and not your emotions. There will be moments of optimism and enthusiasm so we must be sure to keep ourselves grounded as we will experience a burst of creativity. During this time we should see the vision, make a plan and implement that plan in a way that only we can!

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