Zeno Radio

March 2023 Full Moon


This month's Full Moon will be the last full moon of the winter, according to our Native American ancestors this full moon is known as the Eagle or Goose Moon because it is during this time that the birds returned and were visible. Currently now is the time to prepare for the energetic New Year that will begin on the Spring Equinox occurring on March 20 2023. It is important to note that things in our lives will begin to move rapidly as daylight savings time is upon us and due to occur on March 12th so don't forget to set your clock an hour ahead!

The past moon energy will begin today 03/03/23 in the water element Passion, it is during this time that what we are involved in has become crystal clear and must be brought to completion. We are experiencing a secure and fulfilling state of being as we have committed to what it is that we truly desire. We should be mindful that what is ahead of us will be better than what we have outgrown and/or left behind. We will move forward with the confidence that we are equipped with all that we need to live out our best lives.

The Full Moon will occur on 03/07/23 at 6:40 a.m. CST in the earth element Achievement where we will receive visible results for our hard work that is now appreciated by others. Our project(s) are a success. Therefore, now it the time to reap the benefits of our harvest knowing that our financial future is secured. During this time, we should gracefully accept our accolades, flowers and all bountiful things due to us with confidence but not arrogance.

The future moon energy will take place on 03/11/23 in the water element Commitment where the time to reap the harvest and benefits for the seeds that we have planted will occur. It is during this time that a fruitful and successful partnership will develop. The matters that we are working on require that we are devoted and approached with a positive mindset. We have worked hard on the development of ourselves, displaying leadership in areas that are important to us and managing the many hats that we must wear to get things done.

To learn more about our ancestral influence click here to read our Ancestor & Spirit Messages Page

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