Zeno Radio

Communication Mantra


There are four eclipses for 2023 with the first two will occur this Spring. This year we will experience a rare event that only occurs once a decade known as a Hybrid Solar Eclipse. This eclipse is known as The Ningaloo Eclipse, it occurs when the New Moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun on 4/19/23 in the US and on 04/20/23 in Australia where it can be observed over North West Cape which is an Aboriginal remote peninsula of Western Australia. 

A lunar eclipse always accompanies a solar eclipse therefore a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, when the moon travels into the Earth's shadow, will occur two weeks later on May 5-6 during the Full Moon and will be visible in Africa, Asia, Australia.

This month we will access Don't Make Assumptions of the four agreements so that we will communicate with clarity to manifest what it is that we truly desire as well as prevent what we don't want from occurring in our lives. Miscommunications have been an unnecessary cause of loss and sadness in our world that can be lessened by simply communicating. The ability to effectively communicate will shine a light on situations in our lives to expose what appears to be hidden. Clear communication builds relationships, strengthens bonds and leads those that are lost in the right direction. By not making assumptions while communicating enables yourself and others to hear clearly and respond appropriately to increase the likelihood of us living the lives that we deserve.



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